GT Engineering is specialised in the risk Assessement and risk Reduction of Machines, Production Lines and Processes.
They performed several risk Analysis of Continuous Casting Machines, Rolling Mills, and Electric Arc Furnaces.
We work very close with Transfer Machine Manufacturers and, in general, Assembly Machine Producers.
We have experience in very different Industries: from Textile to Laser Cutting to Sputtering processes used in the semiconductor sector.
We regularly participate to the Technical Commettes liased with CENELEC and CEN, responsible for publication of the main Machinery Safety Technical Standards.
Why Machinery safety is so important?
Machinery Safety is probably the main leverage that can reduce the number of deaths and injuries in the work place.
In the European Union machinery is a contrib...
Ladders: Choice of a type fall protection device
The main alternatives for protection of the users of fixed ladders against falling from a height are:
• Safety cage
• Guide...
Machinery Safety for Continuous Casting of Steel
GT Engineering has run a few analysis of continuous casting process safety,based also upon the C type Harmonised Norm EN 14753,call us for a first discussion
Reduced Speed or Reduced Energy
The assessment and risk reduction process is detailed in various standards.
An important aspect of the risk reduction methods suggested by the standards co...